the space to dig in & feel, to finally heal.

If you are anything like me, your life hasn’t been a “cakewalk” to say the least. Or maybe it has and that in itself has your mind spinning in confusion over why you constantly feel the way that you do, cause really you “have nothing to complain about” right?


Lady! Whoever you are reading this right now, I need you to listen to me LOUD & CLEAR…

PAIN is PAIN and how you are feeling is very REAL right now. I need you to pause and have some care & compassion for yourself and let’s just take “little miss judgy pants” (the voice in your head that keeps telling you to “just get over it”) and muzzle her for a moment, ok!


I have been and seen many women who loop out in the cycle of commit, quit, feel like sh!t, for far to long, and what I don’t want to see is the point where you just stop committing. Where you stop dreaming, where you stop believing. It’s in that space of apathy & disconnect where we go completely numb. I know, cause i’ve been there.


After so many years of pain, so much loss, disappointment after disappointment, I was broken and angry. I had no clue how to or where to begin, I just knew I couldn’t keep going the way that I was going. There was to much inside of me to give.


After watching my mom, dad, brother and 2 dogs die of cancer (not to mention my extended family and friends, and don’t know if you noticed, but I’m really not that old), i couldn’t go out like that and as my husband and the song writer_____ says ” Don’t die with the music in you” I had to figure this out or I knew I was headed down that same path.


Can I just say my GPS was not dialed in and it took me on many detours!


The good thing about that journey is that it has led me here and I now have the road map to share with other women who find themselves in this very place.


My 1:1 coaching is designed in a way that allows us the private time and space to dig into the areas that you may not want to, but know you need to. It is a very personalized and unique approach to making the necessary changes in your life, to create peace within so you stop going without.


Apply today to get started & begin one step at a time, one day at a time, in what I refer to as “imperfect action” towards the person you were created to be.


xo, Charity.

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